Thursday, October 6, 2011

i heart photograph; Raphael Dallaporta; Antipersonnel Series

This picture is of a US made Claymore, a device that fires hundreds of steel balls when activated (either by trip wire or remote detonation). What I believe works best in this photo is the direction of the claymore, and the positioning of the text (which is the first thing I examined upon viewing); the fact that it is US made, and that the text is written in English, also seems to strike a poignant cord. Being the most integral part of the photo, I believe the self-explanatory directions on the claymore evoke an array of questions and emotions. Who is the "enemy," why are they "the enemy," and how did they become the "enemy" were the first things that popped into my head. These questions would undoubtedly necessitate a thorough examination of US foreign policy, and I believe this is just what the photographer intended.
Additionally, this claymore seems to be a little more explicit about its purpose (ultimately death) than a gun would be, and this works well with the previously mentioned introspection that coincides with viewing of the picture.

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