Friday, October 14, 2011

Tetons and the Snake River

I was drawn to this image because it provides a beautiful contrast, and each part of the image is alive. My eye is drawn to the lighter parts of the image, which are the snow covered mountains and the body of water. These parts of the image have beautiful shape to them. I also like the light popping out above the clouds on the upper right hand corner, a place my eye doesn't always wander to in photographs. This image has the concept of detail down very well, one of the concepts Szarkowski finds to be important in images. Each little detail of the scene is focused on, but that does not take away from the beauty of the entire image itself. There is also a subtle reference to time with the sun poking out of the clouds. I like that there is a light part to the clouds but a dark part as well, showing the light behind them very nicely. I like that the trees frame the body of water as well.

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