Thursday, October 20, 2011

i heart photograph; Sara Condo; MJ 23; 2009

The thing that caught my eye immediately in this picture was - most obviously - the cutout of Jordan. After I examined the picture a little longer, I realized that the picture was deceiving in one major way: although it is seemingly a room full of trash and discarded things, it has an eerie feel of normality and comfortability. Perhaps it is just because the cutout of Jordan makes you feel more comfortable with the room, as it sort of gives it a more relatable feel. MJ here might work as sort of a surrealist approach to our notion of humanity, or simply the things or people that make us feel at home (I'm assuming this is trash or storage in a house's garage). Jordan's facing the camera particularly exacerbates this feeling of comfortability and the deception felt soon after.

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