Friday, September 30, 2011

72nd & Broadway

72nd & Broadway by Markus Hartel; Markus Hartel Street Photography Blog (

This photograph provides the viewer with a unique perspective of New York City. By shooting the image from high above the ground, the photographer truly removes himself from the scene in which he photographed . This allows the viewer to look at the hustle and bustle of New York from a different perspective, and, for me, the city seems a little less hectic when it is viewed from above street-level. The definitive lines of the intersection, as well as the lines marking the crosswalks, contrast the flowing lines of light which are created by the fast-moving cars below. An interesting element of this photograph is the way the photographer utilized light to represent movement. If one were to view the activity in this scene in person, it would not appear nearly as beautiful as it does in the photograph. The way in which the fast-paced activity is captured in this photograph provides the viewer with an aesthetically pleasing image of city life.

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