Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Family Portrait

By: Aaron Gustafon
As I was looking through iheartphotograph blog to find a picture to write about for this week, I saw this picture on the side. I thought this picture was so interesting due to the white cut out that is in this "family portrait." There is sadness displayed in both the mother's face and the son's face. The background is also composed of very gloomy,dull colors. The emotions expressed and the colors in the picture all lead to a dark setting. Really, the only color that stands out in this picture is the white cut out. This could be due to the artist waanting this particular person to stand out. There could be several reasons why there is a cut out in the picture. One of these reasons could be that a son as well as brother was lost at a young age. The cut out is small, so it must be a child that is depicted. Another reason for the cut out could be a longing for a brother or son. This picture provoked emotion in me and that is why I have choosen this picture to write about this week.

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